On October 19th, 1908 a group of local farmers met in the Swan Hotel and by the end of the evening the Alresford and District Agricultural Association was formed. The first AGM was in January 1909 when a committee was formed and on December 9th 1909 the first show took place which was a fatstock and pulled roots show at the cramped and sloping field in the Dean. There were no shows during the first world war and the site was moved to Arlebury Park in 1920 in late October when the weather was better.
In 1921 the date was moved to late August-early September to save the cost of extra canvas with harvest over and autumn sowing yet to begin. Of course there were no shows during the Second World War and 4 were cancelled due to foot and mouth disease. In 1949 the show moved to Manor Farm, Bishops Sutton where it stayed until 1950.
From 1951 to 1958 the show site was the Rectory Glebe ( now part of the Nursery Road estate). For 1 year only it decamped to a field at the foot of Sun Lane and then, in 1960 dropped anchor at the delightful picturesque Tichborne Park, a mile or so south of the town whre it has been to this day. The setting has to be one of the most delightful areas on which to stage what has become one of the best one day shows.