Gundog demonstrations and training clinic with Neil Varney of Twistmount Gundogs, Nikki Urquhart of Lovervale Gundogs and Wendy Bardsley.
With a Have-a-go Gundog scurry. £2.50 per run, with prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd!”
Please click on the relevant section below for class details.
Please note: Reduced entry fees for all classes are available to current fully paid-up members (as at 1st April of the current year) of the Alresford and District Agricultural Society. Please refer to Show Regulations.
- Disclaimer of Liability
In these conditions the term Exhibitor includes persons taking part in any competition or display arranged by the Society, and the owner of any animal, plant, machinery or other thing involved in any such competition or display or otherwise exhibited on the showground. Except for death or personal injury caused by the negligence of the committee, its servants or agents, the Society will not be responsible for death, injury, disease, damage or loss caused to any exhibitor, to his or her servant or agent or to any animal, article, plant, machinery or thing of whatever nature brought onto the showground by that exhibitor. The exhibitor shall indemnify the Society against all claims, damages and expenses whatsoever arising out of the presence of the exhibitor, his servants, agents, exhibits, vehicles or equipment on the showground, except for death or personal injury caused by the negligence of the committee, its servants or agents and shall assume full responsibility therefore. Exhibitors are advised to insure against fire/other risk to their own property and against any third party claim.
- Membership
Reduced entry fees for all classes are available to current fully paid-up members (as at 1st April of the current year) of the Alresford and District Agricultural Society.
- Acceptance of the following provisions is a condition of entry.
- All persons, vehicles and their accessories and contents are admitted to the showground including the show car parks at their own risk. Whilst every effort is made to ensure their safety the Society will not (except for death, or personal injury caused by the negligence of the committee, its servants or agents) be responsible for personal injury (whether fatal or otherwise), loss of or damage to property and any other damage and expenses however caused.
- Dogs MUST BE ON A LEAD at all times whilst on the Showground. Regrettably dogs, other than assistance dogs, are NOT PERMITTED IN LIVESTOCK AREAS AT ANY TIME.
- The Alresford & District Agricultural Society reserves the right to exclude or remove any person at any time from the showground without reason or justification.
- A vehicle sticker will be sent to each exhibitor. This sticker must be clearly displayed and is colour coded to direct you to the most appropriate entrance and car park. Vehicle stickers do not admit persons to the showground. Entry wristbands will be sent to livestock exhibitors with their vehicle sticker. These must be worn by the exhibitor. Horse exhibitors must collect their entry wristbands from the gate at the horse entrance to the showground in exchange for the voucher on your horse vehicle pass.
Please do this on foot BEFORE attempting to enter the showground.
- All competitors in horse and livestock classes must have current third party insurance cover. Stewards may request evidence of insurance – please ensure you carry relevant documents with you.
- Entries must be made on the Society’s form and sent to the Horse & Pony or Livestock Secretary, accompanied by full payment of entry fees. Livestock, Sheep & Goats entries close on Wednesday 31 July 2024, Horse & Pony entries close on Wednesday 28 August 2024. A fee of £5 per class per entry will be charged for all late entries.
- All animals entered for competition must be the bona-fide property of the exhibitor, and must have been in the exhibitors possession for not less than three months prior to the show (not applicable to horses & ponies).
- The Committee will not be responsible for any error in the schedule or programme or for any entry being made in the wrong class.
- In all classes the Committee reserves the right to accept or reject the entry of any person, and also the right to withdraw any prizes awarded.
- No refund of entry fee will be made, but substitution will be allowed in the horse classes by an animal belonging to the same owner, prior notification to be made to the Secretary not less than one hour before the class is due to commence.
- The Committee reserve the right to close a class, if in their opinion, there are insufficient entries.
- All animals are subject to the current APHA regulations on the day of the Show.
- All cattle, sheep & goat exhibits must be in the showground by 8.00am on the day of the show, and may not be removed before the conclusion of the Grand Parade without the express permission of the Chief Stewards.
- All cattle, horses, sheep and goats must have been led prior to the show. Halters and collars must be provided for all exhibits. Where necessary, to ensure safety, cattle must be double haltered or have nose rings/clips and have 2 adults to potentially lead all animals.
- Exhibitors must ensure sufficient attendants in charge of the Exhibits at all times. All prize winners in cattle, sheep and goat classes must be ready to participate in the Grand Parade 15 minutes before the appointed time specified. Prize winners who fail to participate in the Grand Parade will be liable to forfeit prizes awarded.
- All livestock entering the showground must be free from contagious or infectious disease. All livestock entering the showground are liable to inspection by the Society’s Veterinary Surgeon. All decisions made by the Society’s Veterinary Surgeon are final and not subject to review or appeal.
- No animal will be admitted to the Show unless accompanied by the relevant legal passports and licenses.
- Pregnant livestock and equines where 90% or more of the gestation period has elapsed may not be transported, including home from a show. In the case of cattle, if a live calf is born on the showground animal welfare regulations do not allow its transportation for seven days after birth. Any additional costs incurred by the Society as a result will be shared with the exhibitor.
- Evidence of illegal tampering with animals to affect their performance at the show will result in IMMEDIATE EXPULSION from the Show and the relevant breed society informed immediately.
- All prize & appearance money. Vouchers will be presented in the ring and will be paid via Bacs or Cheque after the Show. Please return your completed voucher to the Horse & Pony/Livestock Secretary (except in goat milking competitions or where further qualification of an animal is required). Please report to the appropriate Ring Steward immediately after class judging is completed if prize voucher is not presented with rosette.
- Prize money will be awarded according to number of entries in the class. A prize will not be awarded if, in the opinion of the Judges, there is not sufficient merit.
- Objections shall be made to the Secretary’s tent in writing, together with a deposit of £50, returnable if the objection is upheld. Three members of the Committee shall consider such protest and their decision shall be final.
- No appeal can be made against the decision of the Judges, such decision shall be final.
- Perpetual Challenge Cups will be held by winners of those classes in which Challenge Cups are awarded for one year only. Cups must be returned to the Society by the 1st August of the year following the award.