Entries for 2025 Closed.
This year we are using SHOWING SCENE for all cattle entries. Please click here or on the Showing Scene Logo (rosette) to make your entries.
For Cattle queries or assistance, please contact Katie Miles, [email protected]
For a copy of the 2024 cattle schedule please click here
Entry Fees
Members (only applies to fully paid up Members as at 1 April of the current year) | Non Members | |
Classes: 1-19 & 21-31 | £9 | £12 |
Classes: 20 & 32 | free | free |
Please note: There is a £3 compulsory 1st aid fee |
Please note: Prize money vouchers will be presented in the ring and will be paid via BACS after the Show. Please return your completed voucher to the Livestock Secretary by 30 September.
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | |
Classes: 1-19 & 21-31 | £40 | £30 | £20 | |
Classes: 20 & 32 | £10 | £8 | £6 | £4 |
Chief Steward – Mr Mark Cheyney
Assistant Cattle Steward – Mrs Kate Brown
Biosecurity Officer – Mr Ben Robinson
CPH Number 15/321/8102
JUDGES – The following have accepted to judge at this years Show:
Beef Calf & Calf Young Handler | Mr J Kimber - Wiltshire |
Commercial Beef, Open Beef & Charolais | Mr J Kimber - Wiltshire |
Aberdeen Angus, Hereford, Beef Pairs & Beef Champion | Mr K Hasemore - West Sussex |
Rare, Traditional & British Native | Mr P King - Hertfordshire |
Open Dairy or Cross Breeds & Dairy Champion | Mrs Z Clear - Surrey |
Dexter Cattle | Mr M Kemmish - Hampshire |
Dairy Pairs & Dairy Calf Young Handler | Mrs Z Clear - Surrey |
PLEASE NOTE: Pre- movement TB test certificates are required. Herds from Low Risk Areas MAY need to do POST-movement testing. Please check with APHA for your own CPH/testing interval.
Judging from 9.00am
Show Day – All exhibits must be penned by 8.00am and remain on the showground
until after the Grand Parade. The Stewards reserve the right to refuse entry, or demand removal, from the Grand Parade if the behaviour of any animal presents a potential safety risk.
- Covered open sided accommodation will be provided free for all cattle. Approx. 1/2 bale of straw will be provided per animal.
- Forage: Exhibitors are required to make their own arrangements for feeding stuffs.
- Exhibitors & Staff Facilities: Bar & refreshment facilities will be available between 5.00pm & 7.30pm on Friday 6 September 2024 and a breakfast roll will be available to purchase on the morning of the Show from Sue’s Mobile Catering
- All animals are subject to current APHA regulations and Pre-movement Test Certificate are required
- Passports & registration forms must be presented upon arrival.
- All exhibitors will be asked to declare that there have been no known incidents of notifiable disease amongst their livestock in the last 2 years
- All animals must have the facility of being double haltered or nose clipped/ringed if necessary to ensure the safety of all persons. The Show Stewards reserve the right to exclude entries that in their opinion may pose a safety risk to the public/stewards/ judges or other exhibitors.
- All animals, in the livestock tent, must have an adult in attendance at all times.
Please Note: Trophies cannot be collected except in exceptional circumstances before 1.00pm.
Cattle Information
- All cattle classes are open unless otherwise stated.
- All cattle must be halter led.
- Young handlers: The handler must be able to control the animal. An adult must accompany all young handlers in the Grand Parade.
- The Society reserves the right to restrict the numbers of entries in accordance with the available penning facilities.
- Substitutions will be accepted on Show Day up to 8.00am in the same class as that in which the original exhibit was entered providing the Secretary or Chief Cattle Steward are notified in writing and a valid pre-movement test certificates covers the new animal(s).
- Exhibitors may only enter an animal in one section.
- Exhibitors must provide sufficient handlers for the number of cattle exhibited.
- No dogs are allowed in livestock area/tents, assistance dogs exempt.
Conditions: At the date of entry, cattle must be from herds which are free from restrictions imposed under:
(a) The Tuberculosis Order 1964, and
(b) The Brucellosis Order 1978.
In addition the entered animal must not themselves be under individual restrictions. An animal accepted for entry must not be consigned to the Show if, after entry, either it or the herd to which it belongs becomes subject to movement restrictions.
In the interest of safety, unauthorised movement of animals during the show period will not be allowed. Exhibitors of Bulls should make themselves familiar with HSE regulations.
A. Two people, one using a Bull pole attached to the bulls nose ring and the other using a rope or chain attached to the halter or head chain via the nose ring.
B. Two people both using ropes or chains, one rope or chain attached to the halter the other attached directly to the nose ring or via the nose ring to the halter.
C. One person using a Bull pole attached to the bulls nose ring and a rope or chain attached to a halter or head chain via the nose ring, with a competent person standing by to assist in the control of the bull if required.
D. Any Bull going into the Grand Parade MUST: be held by 2 adults, including double halter and nose ring.
Please Note: any bull over ten months old being led on the Showground MUST be accompanied by TWO ADULT handlers at all times. Young people under 18 years of age must not be allowed to handle bulls of any age.
APHA Requirements
Cattle exhibitors are required to provide proof of a valid TB test (PMT) of all animals to be exhibited. A valid test dated within 60 days prior to Sunday 8 September 2024. If herds are exempt from pre-movement testing written proof will be required when submitting entry form. All other exhibitors will be required to produce proof of testing/results on arrival at the show prior to unloading. There are legal requirements for: a valid Animals/Cattle Passports, the relevant Transport Certificates and a pre-movement TB certificate. Guidance on the necessary completion of Cattle Passports to/from Showground can be obtained from the BCMS helpline, telephone 0345 050 1234. Owners must complete their register of Movement book before and after the Show.
- Legal Requirements for the Movement of Animals/Cattle Passports: (Please also refer to current APHA regulations). Exhibitors must provide a completed full cattle passport for all animals and relevant transport certificate for the journey to the showground. Guidance on the completion of these documents can be obtained from the BCMS Help line, telephone 0345 050 1234. Bar-coded labels are available from the Livestock Chief Steward. Owners of all stock are reminded that relevant records of animal movements to the Show must be entered in their On-Farm Register or Movement Book within 36 hours.
- Cattle must arrive with a VALID TB PRE-MOVEMENT TEST certificates for all cattle. Cattle will not be allowed entry to the Showground if the exhibitor is unable to produce a valid certificate. Cattle may arrive on the Showground, Friday between 2.00pm – 8.00pm and Saturday between 7.00am – 8.00am and may not be removed until after the Grand Parade. Any queries relating to this please contact: Ben Robinson, email: [email protected], phone 07903 513196 or Katie Miles, email: [email protected], phone 07711 042184.
- All persons, vehicles and their accessories and contents are admitted to the showground, including the show car parks at their own risk Therefore Exhibitors will be held personally responsible for any death, personal injury, loss of or damage to property and any other damage or expenses howsoever caused (including death, infection or injury to other animals) should this be caused by an animal which you have brought onto the showground. This includes infected animals. You should obtain your own insurance to cover this risk should you not have insurance in place already.
- Cattle must be from herds which are free from movement restrictions imposed under the Animal Health Act, 1981 at the date of entry. An animal accepted for entry cannot be exhibited if, after entry, the herd to which it belongs is subject to such restrictions.
- Cows and heifers which have not calved before the show will be judged along with the animals “in-calf”. Cows and heifers which have calved before the Show will be judged along with the animals “in milk”.
- Cows and heifers calving at the Show or showing any signs of abnormal discharge will be placed in isolation and returned to the herd of origin as soon as practicable. If required by the Divisional Veterinary Manager a full range of samples will be taken and the animal (and all others from the same premises) may be required to return home to isolation accommodation there. If calving takes place or abnormal discharge occurs before the time of judging, such animals will not be allowed to compete.
- Malpractice Any artificial contrivance or device for preventing the flow of milk or for any other improper practice will disqualify that animal from being awarded a prize. The owner of the said animals may be prohibited from entering livestock of any kind in the Society’s shows for such a period as the Society may determine. For the purpose of this regulation the term ‘improper practice’ shall include sealing of teats and any other practice which results in the animal being shown other than in a natural state. The Society reserves the right to have all animals inspected by the Society’s Veterinary Surgeon prior to, during or after judging. Show Stewards reserve the right to examine any animal udder at any time during the Show. Tampering of animals will result in IMMEDIATE EXPULSION and the relevant breed societies will be informed.
- All cattle exhibited must have been led previous to the Show and be doubled haltered or have nose rings/clips for safety. The committee reserve the right to remove any animals from the Showground if they cannot be led safely.
- No dogs allowed in the livestock area/tents due to animal welfare concerns, assistance dogs exempt.
Class 1 Best Butchers Steer – Any breed or cross of any age.
Class 2 Best Butchers Heifer – Any breed or cross of any age.
The Cohen PCC for the best exhibit from classes 1 & 2.
Class 3 Cow or heifer with calf or in calf
Class 4 Maiden Heifer
Class 5 Bull any age
The Shrine Perpetual Challenge Trophy to the Champion.
Special Sash & Rosette for the Champion of all Herefords.
Certificate to the Herdsman showing the best Male Hereford.
Certificate to the Herdsman showing the best Female Hereford.
Mrs G D Stratford of Annetts Farm has kindly donated £100 towards the prize money in memory of her late husband.
Class 6 Cow or heifer with calf or in calf
Class 7 Maiden Heifer
Class 8 Bull any age
The National Westminster Bank PCC to the Champion.
The British Charolais Provincial Champion Rosette to the Champion.
Class 9 Cow or heifer with calf or in calf
Class 10 Maiden Heifer
Class 11 Bull any age
The Bibby PCC to the Champion. A Tartan Sash will be awarded to the best animal in the Aberdeen Angus Classes. A Special Rosette will be awarded to the best animal bred by exhibitor.
Apologies for amalgamating these classes but the reduction in entries have forced us to do this BUT if there are sufficient entries then Classes will be split.
Class 12 Cow with calf or in calf
Class 13 Maiden Heifer
Class 14 Heifer with calf or in calf
Class 15 Bull any age
The Sparks Tool Hire PCC to the Champion.
The David Willis PCC to the Reserve Champion
Best Red Poll Rosette awarded by the British Red Poll Cattle Society.
Open to any beef breed other than Hereford, Charolais, Aberdeen Angus, Rare & Traditional British Native and Commercial Beef.
Class 16 Cow or heifer with calf or in calf
Class 17 Maiden Heifer
Class 18 Bull any age
Class 19 Best Beef Calf or Cross Calf born after
1st September 2023.
Class 20 Best Beef Calf Handler handler 7-18yrs
of age, calf born after 1st September 2023.
The N Corbett PCC to the winner.
Apologies for amalgamating both age groups, this is due to a reduction in entries. If sufficient entries are received then classes will be split 7-12yrs & 13-18yrs.
Class 20 to be judged on the manner and ability with which the calf is shown.
Class 21 Pair of same breed beef animals, entered into previous classes and belonging to the same owner.
The Hampshire Chronicle PCC to the winner.
Class 22 Cow in milk
Class 23 Dry cow
Class 24 Heifer born before 1st September 2023 not having calved
Class 25 Calved Heifer in milk or dry
Class 26 Bull any age
Class 27 Calf born after 1st September 2023
The Hunt PCC for the Champion.
The Ober PCC for the Reserve Champion.
The Breed Spoon for the Champion.
Open to pedigree and non-pedigree animals.
Class 28 Maiden Heifer
Class 29 Heifer in calf or in milk, first lactation
Class 30 Cow in milk having had at least 2 calves
Class 31 Pair of same breed dairy animals, entered into a previous class and belonging to the same owner.
The James Harris PCC to the winner.
To be judged on the manner and ability with which the calf is shown.
Class 32 Best Dairy Calf Handler Class – handler 7-18 yrs of age, Calf born after 1st September 2023.
The Bevan PCC to the winner.
Apologies for amalgamating both age groups, this is due to a reduction in entries. If sufficient entries are received then classes will be split 7-12yrs & 13-18yrs.